WiE Australia Profiles

This page is a space where profiles of CIGRE members, in the context of Women in Energy Australia, will be posted.

If you are interested in having your or another member’s profile shared, please contact the NGN committee.

CIGRE Women in Energy (WiE) Australia Group: NEM Oscillatory Stability Webinar

The CIGRE Australia Women in Energy (WiE) Group is excited to invite you to our first profile and webinar, which is on ...

CIGRE Virtual Centennial Session: NGN and WiE Forums

Both the Women in Energy (WiE) and the Next Generation Network (NGN) forums were held on Monday 23rd August as ...

Clean Energy Sector Workforce Diversity Survey

The Clean Energy Council, Australian Power Institute and Electrical Trades Union of Australia have partnered to launch the first industry-wide Survey ...

Australian Power Institute (API) POWERful WOMEN Leadership Program

POWERful WOMEN is a new industry-focused and delivered leadership program focused on technically oriented roles in the power sector that ...