CIGRE Women in Energy (WiE) Australia Group: NEM Oscillatory Stability Webinar

The CIGRE Australia Women in Energy (WiE) Group is excited to invite you to our first profile and webinar, which is on oscillatory stability!  The detailed event flyer with presenter bio and presentation synopsis is available here.

The presentation, which will be run by Marina Delac, will explain some of the basics of oscillatory stability in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM).

You can register to attend this Webinar via the link below.

When: 17th November 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 AEDT (Mel/ Syd)
Where: Online Webinar (GoToMeeting)

Presentation Synopsis:

The presentation will identify why the National Electricity Market (NEM) cannot operate without stabilising devices. The presentation has been prepared for people without previous exposure to small signal stability.

The focus will be on concepts rather than the very detail:

  • What is oscillatory stability?
  • How is oscillatory stability assessed?
  • How is NEM kept stable?
  • What does future hold for oscillatory stability?

Clean Energy Sector Workforce Diversity Survey

The Clean Energy Council, Australian Power Institute and Electrical Trades Union of Australia have partnered to launch the first industry-wide Survey of Workforce Diversity in the Clean Energy Sector to better understand the makeup of the Australian renewable energy workforce.

We are inviting individuals working at our member companies to complete this survey and help us map the diversity of the Australian renewable energy workforce.

The survey will take 5-10 minutes, is voluntary, strictly confidential and anonymous. It will close on the 10th September 2021.

If you need another reason to fill out the survey? We are collectively donating $1 for each response to a maximum of $1000 to the Go Foundation to support the work they do for Indigenous youth through education.

Take the Survey

Australian Power Institute (API) POWERful WOMEN Leadership Program

POWERful WOMEN is a new industry-focused and delivered leadership program focused on technically oriented roles in the power sector that will assist over 200 female professionals, graduates, and undergraduate students to build job-focused skills and knowledge, career plans and leadership capabilities and paths.

The program is led by the Australian Power Institute and supported by our 20+ industry members with financial support from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Office for Women.

The program links to the API’s flagship annual residential Summer School and includes a Professionals pathway for emerging female leaders and an Early Career pathway for the next generation of female leaders in the power sector. Part and full scholarships are available each year for 15x Professionals (Professional pathway), and 20x Graduates and 30x Undergraduates (Early Career Pathway) for 2022-2024.

The API is currently seeking expressions of interest for:

  • Women interested in the Professional pathway and Summer School in February 2022, with 15 scholarships available (worth $160,000+ for 3x full and 12x partial scholarships).
  • Undergrad and graduate women interested in the Early Career Pathway that will open in September.
  • Professionals interested in contributing to the POWERful Women Steering Committee
  • Professionals interested in contributing to content in the program

Register your interest here to receive more details and an invite to an online Info session on Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 12.30pm AEST.

More information below and in the program flyer.