The CIGRE’s Romanian National Committee, as organizer, CNTEE Transelectrica (the Romanian TSO), Delgaz Grid and “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Iași – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Energetics and Applied Informatics, as co-organizers, invite you to CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference (RSEEC 2022), that will take place during October 18th – 20th 2022, at Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Iași, Romania – event organized with the support of CIGRE Paris, University “Politehnica” of Bucharest and the Energy Commission of the Technical Sciences Department of the Romanian Academy.
The location is “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University Iași – “Aula Magna,Carmen Sylva” and “The Hall of the Echoing Footsteps”, the famous hall painted by Sabin Balasa .
At its sixth edition, it is a major biennial event in power systems which will provide an exceptional venue to CIGRE members and interested parties for presenting: Innovation for efficient and effective management, solutions for power systems of the future!
For more details on previous editions, please visit RSEEC 2022 website, Previous Editions section ).
Important Dates:
Deadline to send the Paper Abstract: 31st May 2022
Deadline to send the Paper Manuscript and Authors registration: 15th August 2022
Deadline for other participants Registration: 18th – 20th October 2022
Main Topics:
I. State of the Technology for electrical networks of the future:
• Digital Substations;
• Power System, Electricity Highways;
• Interconnected Power Systems;
• Power Electronics, FACTS;
• New equipment, environment, sustainability;
• Active transmission and distribution networks;
• New concepts in planning and operation;
• Hydrogen impact on grid planning.
II. Electricity-key factor for society development:
• Smart cities;
• Cyber security;
• Electrical transport;
• RES technologies;
• Energy storage;
• Energy efficiency.
III. Challenges in education of power system workforce:
• Education and training;
• R&D programs.
IV. Green transition and clean technologies for power systems:
• “Fit for 55” legislative package
V. Next Generation Network Contest
The working language of the symposium is English. All printed materials will be published in English.
The best papers will be proposed by the Technical Committee for publishing in scientific magazines with International Scientific Indexing.
The conference brings together power systems engineers, decision makers, economists, academics, students and others with interest in the domain. The conference also promotes CIGRE as a strong technical organization, capable of contributing to the technical expertise and know-how through its study committees, conference proceedings and the technical documents.