Paris 2021 Virtual Centennial Session & 2022 Session

Given ongoing health uncertainty due to the pandemic, the 2021 Session will be entirely virtual.

The Virtual Centennial Session will be a unique immersive digital experience, professionally broadcasted from the Palais des Congrès of Paris. Using this technology, the event will run over eight working days, from Wednesday 18th to Friday 27th August.

Find out more about the virtual centennial session and registrations on the session website here.



If you have registered for the 2020 Session you should have received communication from our office.  You DO NOT need to do anything on this page

If you have not received communication from us, please contact us (07) 3310 8838.



For NEW registrations there are 3 options. See below:

1. Virtual Centennial Session 2021 – 18th – 27th August 2021

This registration is being handled online directly by the Paris office.

To register and pay online please click here: registration to 2021 Virtual Session



To see the Virtual Session programme CLICK HERE


2. Paris 2022 Session – 28th August – 2nd September 2022

To register for this session you must register through CIGRE Australia.  To download the registration form CLICK HERE

Return the completed registration form to



3. Attend both Virtual Centennial Session 2021 & Paris 2022 Session

If you wish to attend both please download and complete the registration form. To download click here:

Return the completed registration form to We will then contact you to arrange your online Virtual Centennial Session 2021 registration.




Registration to the Virtual Centennial Session is firm and non refundable.

Cancellation for the 2022 Session – send your request to before 31st July 2022.  Reimbursements will not be made until after the Session and a handling fee will be charged:

€240 per Delegate and €140 Euro per Companion.

Cancellation requests received after 31st July 2022 will not be processed or refunded.


If you have any queries, please contact our office :  –

(07) 3310 8838

CIGRE 2022 NGN Presentation Showcase Flyer

Guidelines for the 2022 NGN Presentation Showcase have just been sent out (see attachment below).

This Showcase will take place during the 2022 Paris Session in August/September 2022.

Full guidelines will be sent to all the National Committees in early September 2021.

Also, please note there is now a requirement for candidates to submit full papers as part of their application materials.


CIGRE AU NGN Webinar: Harmonic Filter Design

Webinar: Harmonic Filter Design

Presented by Paul Steciuk of NEPSI

The CIGRE Australia NGN welcomes you to attend our first webinar for 2021 (yes, been a slow start) on harmonic filter design!

The presentation, which will be run by Paul Steciuk of NEPSI, will explain some of the basics behind harmonic filters, their specification and design, and provide a forum for attendees to ask questions relating to MV harmonic filters.

You can register to attend this Webinar via the link below.

When: 09:00 – 10:00 AEST, 4th June 2021
Where: Webinar
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Presentation Synopsis

Medium voltage harmonic filters are used on all power systems at all voltage levels, but they are primarily used on industrial power systems at the medium-voltage level where large non-linear loads are in use, to improve power factor, prevent harmonic resonance, and mitigate harmonic distortion.  Their design is not widely known or understood, and because of this, the task of design and specification is often left in the hands of the drive/rectifier supplier or electrification equipment packager.  Because of this approach, due to margin stacking, the limited number of drive/rectifier suppliers, and the captive nature of the procurement process, the customer/EPC pays more and gets less.  There is a better approach, and that is to break the filter package from the drive/rectifier supplier or electrification packager, create your own filter design and specification, and bid it out to vendors who specialise in harmonic filter design and manufacturing.

In this presentation, NEPSI demystifies harmonic filter design, paving the way for the EPC and engineering firms to break the filter package from the electrification packager and/or drive/rectifier supplier.  NEPSI discusses the basics of filter design, filter topology, most prevalent filter types, their advantages/disadvantages, component selection and rating, vendor review, typical protection and control schemes, and more. This is an interactive and technical learning session where engineers can ask questions and receive answers from a NEPSI engineer who specialises in filter design, specification, and manufacturing.

Transformer Reliability Seminar

The 2021 Transformer Reliability seminar will be held as an online event -a couple of hours for each session over 3 non consecutive days ( to help balance delegates workload).

International speakers covering a range of topical and current areas will be presenting.

Delegates will have ample opportunity for input and questions.

Presentations and session recordings will be made available to each delegate.

Program is available HERE or on the event Website 

REGISTER NOW to ensure your place.

CIGRE Session 2021

The CIGRE Session is the leading global event for sharing power system expertise, gathering worldwide experts in even numbered years to discuss and learn about the future of the industry and to display the latest solutions for the whole value chain, from generation to distribution. The CIGRE Session is a comprehensive event that offers – during a whole week – an extensive range of activities to more than 3200 delegates and 6600 exhibition visitors.


The Session will be held from
Friday to Wednesday
20 to 25 August 2021


Le Palais des Congrès de Paris
2 Place de la Porte Maillot
75017 Paris

For more information, visit the session website.

CIGRE e-Session 2020

CIGRE announces a reorganisation of its 2020 signature Paris event into a digital e-session in 2020. Our planned in person August 2020 event offering ‘the leading global event for sharing power system expertise’ is now scheduled for August 2021 as a special Centennial Session, with similar format as previous Sessions (e.g., plenaries, tutorials, poster sessions, technical exhibition).

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