CIGRE NGN Call for Technical Presentations for the Virtual Session NGN Exhibition Booth

As part of the 2021 Virtual Session, the NGN will be supporting a virtual exhibition booth.  Part of the virtual exhibition booth will be used to showcase technical presentations by NGN members from around the world that delegates will be able to access at their convenience.  We encourage NGN members to submit recorded technical presentations using the guidelines below.

  1. Please create a 5-10 minute technical presentation with voice over using the instructions attached (please do not exceed 10 minutes in length).
  2. Please use the attached template for your presentation.
  3. Please upload completed presentations to the link below on KMS by 1 August, if possible, to provide enough time for the presentations to be reviewed and posted.  We may still be able to review and post presentations after this time, but it cannot be guaranteed.

Completed Technical Presentations:



Guidance for Recording PPT with voice over