The Preferential Subjects can be downloaded from HERE.
Synopsis Template
The template to be used in preparing the synopsis can be downloaded HERE
All Synopsis must be emailed to to arrive no later than midnight AEST (Brisbane time) 26th March 2021.
Please include the Study Committee and the Preferential subject code in the email HEADER – eg A1-PS2 ; C6-PS1
Recommendations for the preparation of synopsis
Please ensure you READ page 3 & 4 of the preferential subject document (information and recommendations) to ensure you understand the requirement and timing associated with the process.
1. Keywords
3 to 10 words or phrases
2. Text
Description of the proposed paper – not less than 500 words.
Please explain the benefits to be gained by reading this paper.
Please use plain text only – no formatting, no images in this section.
This will normally be your introduction section in the final paper.
Authors should reference the Preferential Subject listing HERE to ensure the abstract aligns with one or more of the preferential topics.
Submissions to be sent to & include Study Committee and the Preferential subject code in the email HEADER to arrive prior to midnight Brisbane time (AEST) 26 March 2021.
Time frame – 2022 Paris Papers
26 March 2021 – Synopsis lodged to CIGRE Australia
30 April 2021- Synopsis lodged by CIGRE Australia to the CIGRE Paris office ( after checking/selection and confirmation of any questions with authors)
2 July 2021 – Paris Office notify of accepted Synopsis
12 December 2021- Final Papers to CIGRE Australia
7 January 2022 – Final Papers to Paris Office
21-26 August 2022 – Paris Session
NOTE: It is expected that if a paper is accepted, that Author will attend the Paris Session 2022.